OK. I saw this crazy HUGE white semi-truck. It had a bio-hazard symbol on the trailer and huge brush guard going all the way up the hood to the windshield and off big off road tires. The trailer had long thin very tinted windows. It looked as though it was made for people to go in the trailer part (maybe a science lab type of thing) It was all decked out for plowing through busy highways, or zombies ...This was about a month or month and a half ago... went to take a pic, and it was gone..

Today I saw another crazy truck just now.. Went to take a pic and it was already gone too. It was parked in the same mall as the biohazard truck.
It wasn't the same thing, but obviously made for something crazy. It was a white Mercedes delivery box truck with jacked up military (military purchase only) tires and a huge spare tire in front. With windows in the back on the box part, with a small door in back. (another lab or surveillance type?)
It had a full roof rack up top for storage. It also had brush guards and heavy duty front and rear off road bumpers with d rings.. It had off roads lights front and rear too..With the front mirrors on poles off the sides of the vehicle. It had a sign in the window that said thanks to all who helped with major companies listed.
Same spot, at a prime location (mills mall in DFW)... Both were just parked and empty (from what we could tell) and both showed up on the weekends.. (busy days)
Neither had any markings such as UN or Police... Except for the bio-hazard sign on the semi, they were just all white.
Im just gonna start walking with my camera... ITS TIME TO GET OUT OF THE CITIES.. pray the Lord takes us out..
Something is up.. This mall gets alot of people from around the world visiting it. With the airport 2 miles away, Bass Pro shop across the road, hotels all around and a busy town.. Its a prime spot for something crazy like this new "contagion" movie..
Do not freak out or panic.. What you do is learn natural remedies, and buy and grow lots, LOTS of garlic. Stock up on anything like water and things to help those in need around you.. We know there are going to be disasters a plenty in these end days. If we are not prepared what good are we?
God is always in control. I believe in these times we will also see miracle healings as well.
God can use just oil if He wants to. For His glory!
If you havent read, the government bought up all the freeze dried foods ($1 billion dollar order; money from where?) this past week to where the companies can no longer sell it to customers (civilians) due to the high demand from the government.. Prepare, plan, pray.. And get ready to see miracles!
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrews 10:23
Fema orders dehydrated foods
We have another blog, but it wont let me sign in to write more posts. It tells me its gone..
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